Paul Butler organizes the [Plotter Twitter Postcard Exchange](https://paulbutler.org/2022/generalizing-secret-santa-with-integer-programming-in-julia/) for fans of vector art. Participants sign up for sending some number of post cards and in turn receive an equal number from some of the other participants. If you like these, you can follow me on Mastodon as [@th@v.st](https://v.st/@th) and see other `#plotterart` that I post there. ## 2023 ![](https://docs.v.st/uploads/fec7a2d8-4dc4-43cd-bcab-760d44071868.jpg) This year was about experimenting with some different pens to try out gels versus metalics versus brushes. So everyone gets a unique piece! Most of the cards are [Truchet Tiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truchet_tiles) this year and wrote an [SVG tile generator](https://osresearch.github.io/truchet/) to try out different variations as I experimented with the design. Every card is another tweak to the code, testing out different amounts of wiggle or having the roundyness disperse cross the plot, so it isn't possible to regenerate the existing ones. I also thought about making some mazes and even [wrote a generator](https://osresearch.github.io/truchet/maze.html), although it wasn't a fun as I had hoped. ## 2022 ![Animated 3D knot](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52561155694_2633c496b6_o.gif) For 2022 I used the stop-motion animation idea again, this time with a "knot" generated by my [customizable mobius torus generator](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5189077) and rendered with my STL-to-SVG tool, [plotter.vision](https://plotter.vision). ![postcards with plotted loops](https://docs.v.st/uploads/3becd1a0-9e7c-4574-b1bb-2d344409b412.jpg) The other fun change this year was using "[postzegelcodes (NL)](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postzegelcode)", a hand-written form of postage offered by PostNL. Rather than going out for stamps or printing postage at home, they give you a nine alphanumeric character code that you write as a 3x3 grid. ## 2021 ![Animated fractal cube](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52566223777_1fe5522314_o.gif) This year was a good test of my [plotter.vision](https://plotter.vision) tool's ability to do coplanar surface detection and also burned through the AxiDraw's mini servo drawing all the small boxes... The shape is a [Menger sponge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menger_sponge), a type of fractal. ## 2020 ![3D wireframe bunny and a stag](https://docs.v.st/uploads/2def53cb-6348-4ef0-9025-f28a0d8fe645.jpg) This was the first year I particpated in #ptpx and had just finished the [plotter.vision](https://plotter.vision) tool's "anaglyph" support for red-blue 3D glasses. The two figures are the usual Stanford Bunny, reduced to a low-poly form, and the [Simplified Holiday Christmas Deer (lowpoly remix) by mitrasmit](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1222937).